High School Youth Ministry

Welcome to St. Aloysius Gonzaga's High School Youth Group! Our youth group consists of 9th through 12th grade high school students looking to strengthen their relationship with Jesus as his disciples. We strive to educate and inspire our youth group members to give back to the community and proclaim their faith through actions and ideas developed through the image of God. 

Currently, we meet for fellowship on the 1st and 3rd Sunday from 11:30am to 1:30pm after Sunday Mass; Youth Group starts in September and runs through to May of the following year. We support taking the summer months off for families to take vacation, spend quality time together and reflect on our time we spent together. Additionally, there are church events that run through the summer months that our youth group members can also participate in!

If you are interested in signing up your child for St. Aloysius Gonzaga's youth group, please contact our Youth Group Coordinators, Jonathan and Judy Lippy at saintaloysiusgyg@gmail.com or 7178182319. Thank you and God Bless!

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church

Rev. C. Anthony Miller, Pastor