Rev. C. Anthony Miller, Pastor

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church

Our Parish Ministries

Mission for Liturgy
Altar Server
Altar servers provide assistance to the priest during Holy Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Training is
provided. Servers should be in the 4 th grade through high school. Servers are usually scheduled 3-4 times every
three months. Contact Fr. Miller at 717-359-0519.
Ushers assist seating people when necessary, use baskets for the offertory collection, and direct parishioners
going to receive Holy Communion. Contact Dick Klunk 717-476-1366.
Lectors proclaim the readings during Holy Mass. Contact Fr. Miller at 717-359-0519.
Liturgy Committee
Assist in planning and preparation for the celebration of Holy Mass, and other special occasions. Contact Diane
Wherley at 717-495-6368.
Cantors lead the congregational singing at weekend Masses. Contact Diane Wherley at 717-495-6368.
The choir sings the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Practice is usually twice a month. Contact Diane
Wherley at 717-495-6368.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
Appointed by the Pastor. Contact Fr. Miller at 717-359-0519.

Mission of Education
Religious Education (C.C.D.)
Religious education classes are for students in kindergarten through Confirmation reception. Classes are on
Sunday mornings, 8:30 am - 9:40 am, from September to May. Contact Diane Wherley at 717-495-6368.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA provides the process of religious instruction for those interested in entering the Catholic faith. Contact Fr.
Miller at 717-359-0519.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is usually held in June or July for children ages 4 years old through 5 th grade. Students in sixth grade
through high school are encouraged to volunteer to be helpers or crew leaders. Contact Diane Wherley at 717-

Mission for Pastoral Ministry
Marriage Preparation
Contact Fr. Miller at 717-359-0519.
Communion to Shut-ins
Holy Communion is taken to local parishioners who are unable to attend Holy Mass. Greeting cards are also
sent at various times throughout the year.  Contact Barb Perich at 717-359-4933.

Youth Group
All high school students in 9th – 12th grade are welcome. Monthly meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Sundays
from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm after Holy Mass from September through May. Contact Jonathan & Judy Lippy at

Rosary Group
Come pray the rosary on Wednesday evenings at 6:45 pm in the Chapel. Enjoy this small, intimate setting and
gather in community to offer up your prayers and petitions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Contact Kathy Hunter
at 410-259-2159.

Prayer Group
Join the prayer group on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the Chapel. The Holy Face Devotion is prayed
during this hour of prayer. Contact the Parish Office for information at 717-359-4513.

Homeschool Group
Our homeschool ministry is an association of Catholic homeschooling families who joyfully provide each other
with spiritual, academic, and peer support for our children’s education in fidelity to the teaching of the
Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Contact the Parish Office for information at 717-359-4513.

Ministry of Care
Nursing Home Visits
Monthly visits are scheduled, with the distribution of Holy Communion, to Morning Glory Assisted Living and
Weikert’s Care Home in Littlestown. Contact Barb Perich at 717-359-4933.

Mission for Supportive Ministries
Bingo Committee
Bingo is held the 1 st and 3 rd Saturdays of every month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Volunteers are needed to
help on the Bingo floor or in the kitchen once every 8 weeks. Come and join the fun! Contact Mark Brown at