Mass Times

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church

Rev. C. Anthony Miller, Pastor

The Mass times are as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday morning Mass: 8:30 AM (Sacrament of Penance from 8:00 AM - 8:25 AM)

Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM (Sacrament of Penance from 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM)

Sunday morning Masses: 7:00 AM and 10:00 AM

Holy Days of Obligation Mass times - 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM

Welcome to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church

We are proud of our rich heritage and the many ways we serve the people in
Adams County. We are disciples of Christ who bring our many gifts of time, talent
and treasure together to build the Kingdom of God in our small part of God’s

If you are coming to our parish for the first time, I’d like to extend to you a special

I invite you to join us. I realize that, for some of our new members, joining a parish
is a simple straight-line continuation of an active church life, while others may be
standing up to be counted for Our Lord after being away from the Church for
some time. Whatever your case may be, the step you have taken signifies not an
arrival but a fresh beginning for further growth in love for the Lord and Christian
service to a needy world.

It is the joyful task of our parishioners who are welcoming you to our ranks to
provide for you a matrix for such growth—in faith, in hope, and in love.

Call Krista at our parish office (717-359-4513) for a family information card and
welcome packet. When you receive the card, simply fill it out and return it to the
parish office by mail or by placing it in the collection basket at Holy Mass. We
need this information for our parish census. More importantly, we need to know,
from you, where in the parish you may be able and willing to serve.

Thank you in advance for your responses, and may your participation at Holy
Mass and in the life of our parish prove a source of deep spiritual growth in your
relationship with Christ and His Church.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please call me and I will make time for you.
You can reach me at the priest's residence (717-359-0519). Ask for Father Miller.

In the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Blessed Mother,

Father C. Anthony Miller